Is it migraine weather?

Just a gentle reminder to watch out for Medication Overuse Headache. This was formerly called 'rebound headache' but it's now seen as more than that, and could be a sign that your trusted medications may no longer be working for you. Sigh.

It's more usual for these to occur with the abortives than preventives, so if you're not yet on preventives, it might be time to start those discussions with your med team. 

Once you're in a recognisable stage of prodome, try to find alternative ways to relieve the discomfort (save the meds for the active stage). Try massage, sleep, aromatherapy, herbal teas (not mint because menthols can exacerbate the migraine). Some people wear the migraine cap even in prodome, and swear by it. 

I wish you all smoother weather, and an easy summer. 

Not trying to prosetylize, or be overwhelmingly ecstatic while you're suffering, but after an atrocious few years culminating in a hideous isolated summer, I give just had an exciting week. 

I was told in February, here (MOL), when I asked for help that I was being led astray by cranks. My immunologist put me onto what we call Friendly Foods and what you apparently know as the Failsafe eating plan. I'm on the strictest level, because I'm very reactive, and I was told to follow it for 3 months because my migraines could not possibly improve until my immune system stopped reacting to the natural food chemicals I was eating. the point was to prevent antibodies/inflammation forming due to chemical overload and pain.

The 3 months ended on 18 May, and I saw the neuro this week. Even though I've had new migraine symptoms emerge, my migraine pattern has changed and mostly they're shorter and less disabling. When they start, I can feel the various meds do their work (it feels really odd!). More importantly, my meds have been reduced: one evening medication stopped, another halved; reviewed in 8 weeks when we'll also review daytime meds. 

Yesterday, and the night before we had some of the worst storms outside cyclones for years. Flash floods, trees down everywhere, gale force winds - if you look at a weather map, the rest of east coast Australia has it now. Previously I'd have been crying. But I spent the day playing scrabble, vaguely aware of a headache. 

Reads like a rant, not meant to be. Please investigate the effect of tyramines, nitrites, glutamates, amines, salicylates on your body and whether your medications contain any of these (which mean they're actually making your migraines worse). Chronic migraines affect something like 12% of the US population, I believe, and the food chemical sensitivity link is only now starting to be understood as genomics opens the field.

It does not read like a rant at all. I'm very glad you are having success adjusting your eating and medication approaches. It doesn't surprise me at all that food could have a huge impact, and it's well worth looking into.

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