Kismet's Life in Maine

Jealous! blank stare
I used to watch Alton Brown ALL the time... now, not so much. Does he even have a regular show on anymore?

Yep, still commentator on Iron Chef and judges on a few others. His new show is Cutthroat Kitchen - Altons evil twin...didn't like it a first but it is actually really good. Miss Good Eats though.....

I used to love his show that gave all the chemistry and physics reasons why cooking did what it did. And I also used to love him on Iron Chef. Haven't seen him for awhile, though.

minus 16 this morning, around 4 feet on the ground and another foot on it's way...surreal

kismet how are we going to get friends from MSO to move up if you show them pictures like this? ;-)

These images and following weather reports of Maine made me stop and I want this ?
Pemaquid is my point of choice ..need to see how they made out ..

But so beautiful! Images to paint ..

lisat said:

kismet how are we going to get friends from MSO to move up if you show them pictures like this? ;-)

Yeah, good luck with THAT! I'm already thinking perhaps a summer home in CT was the way to go.

The other seasons make up for it by far!!!
@icdart video cam of Pemaquid

Icicles on a church near by

kismet said:

The other seasons make up for it by far!!!
@icdart video cam of Pemaquid

I guess the larger than life statue of a native American that sits on the grounds of the Seagull Cafe
goes to Florida for the winter. I am ready to put on a Mickey Mouse costume and go to either Disney Worlds.

I don't care how much snow is in the photos, I love reading/seeing Kismet's posts!

Why thank you smithfield5! Here's my brand new (today )grand dog and a sunset

I also enjoy Kismet's thread. And there was never any danger of my moving to Maine, being a total snow wuss, so no damage was done by the snow images. wink

We're in for ANOTHER foot.....

Ya just gotta know his to do winter. Warm high quality snow boots and coat etc. And invest in a snow plow. Learn his to light a fire and your laffin'! grin

We are in for another foot, too. I'm really learning to hate winter. Good boots, down coat, etc. won't clear the driveway when my husband is at work during the day, and I don't trust my crappy balance and cold-triggered asthma to make me any good at using the snowblower on the ski slope we live on. I do what I can with a shovel and salt, but I understand now that you can't find salt or sand for love or money in our part of CT. It's only early February, and already the salt is gone!

I WISH my husband would let us invest in a jeep with plow attachment. THAT I think I might be able to manage.

Peggy, give yourself a gift from your mother----contract with a service so you don't have to fret. Imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up and not have to worry about trying to get out of the house!

I think I might do just that. I'm sick of fighting with Mr. PeggyC, who feels like we should do all of this stuff ourselves rather than paying for it. Time to just do it without even discussing it. *sigh*

Don't wait---we have six more weeks of winter! (and if you contract with a snow removal service, that pretty much guarantees no more storms, right cheese )

calliope said:

Don't wait---we have six more weeks of winter! (and if you contract with a snow removal service, that pretty much guarantees no more storms, right cheese )

Oh, I WISH it meant no more storms. I will ask the guy who works for my brother and his wife. They say he's good and reliable and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Pretty! How's the weather up there? DaughterZ is in Maine somewhere between Machias and Canton for a long weekend. Of course I'm worried about her driving back to Canton NY.

Just installed my new package of girls (bees),,,Spring has sprung!

Hope everything is going well!

Yes, wondering if you got into the New MOL.

I'm here! This year's bees are going gangbusters oh oh! I have a new job (managing the gift shop at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Family doing OK (elderly dad getting more elderly....)...basically life "as it should be" in Mid-coast Maine.  Must admit this winter was tough but the rest of the year is worth it!!

.hmmm, need to figure out new stuff..wanted top post a photo but didn't work....

lobster roll as it should be

reds eats in wiscasset

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