Maplewood Karate

Ok, I am giving it a try. Do I need to call in advance? I am shooting for the Tues after Thanksgiving. Do I need to buy gloves?

I wanted to go, but then saw the pictures. I'm not in good enough shape to go. :cry:

That's one mean-ass looking kick right there.

Just sayin'.

Posted By: esq2Ok, I am giving it a try. Do I need to call in advance? I am shooting for the Tues after Thanksgiving. Do I need to buy gloves?

You don't need to buy gloves to try a class, I'll lend you mine, just show up 15 minutes before class starts.

Posted By: eireI wanted to go, but then saw the pictures. I'm not in good enough shape to go.

eire, come in and try it, go at your own pace, the idea is to get in shape, we will get you there, step by step.

Posted By: ctrzaskaThat's one mean-ass looking kick right there.

Not bad for 6 weeks of training ey!

That's what worries me.

Posted By: bigriver
Posted By: ctrzaskaThat's one mean-ass looking kick right there.

Not bad for 6 weeks of training ey!

Why, thank you.:winkkiss:
I freaking LOVE kicking!

Eire, come try the class. You won't be sorry.

Eire - please come too. I am very intimidated by those pictures as well! But hopefully if we stick with it we can look like that too oh oh

esq2- Don't be intimidated. We don't kick each other.....on purpose at least. My apologies again to our instructor.:shamed:


Great. Not only are we creating killing machines right here in bucolic Maplewood, but we CAN'T EVEN CONTROL THEM.

I'm moving.

Posted By: ctrzaskaGreat. Not only are we creating killing machines right here in bucolic Maplewood, but we CAN'T EVEN CONTROL THEM.

I'm moving.


Cute... only I'll follow you. I need your wife for stretching exercises.:wink:

Posted By: sharonMy apologies again to our instructor.

Apology excepted.

My thighs are killing me and feel awesome all at the same time, btw:-D

Well folks I'm in !! went today (sorry I got late) ..and I have to say kickboxing is my thing !!! I guess bye bye Yoga for now :fierce:

Like Sharon my thights are killing me ... but its ok !! Its just the first step =)

The group is really good .. :clap:

see you all next tuesday =)

Posted By: HarleyQuinnI have to say kickboxing is my thing

Glad you enjoyed it, you did awesome for your 1st class.

Posted By: bigriver
Posted By: HarleyQuinnI have to say kickboxing is my thing

Glad you enjoyed it, you did awesome for your 1st class.

You are trying to be nice ... I was wobbling my legs a lot .. hahahahahaha

You think you were wobbling after class....wait 'til tomorrow...AND the day after that! :wink:

Kickboxing home work 100 push ups by Tuesday, 10 here 20 there at your own pace.


and did it already, Hanshioh oh:wink:

I like being ordered around. Should we call you Master?

Posted By: shhI like being ordered around. Should we call you Master?


I thought Hanshi was a step up from Master?

yes Hanshi is two up from Master and as high as you can go.

Posted By: bigriveryes Hanshi is two up from Master.

Then I'm sticking with Hanshi.:wink:

See that, you learn something new everyday. Back to my planks now, Hanshi.

Congratulations to bigriver!

Tonight he is being inducted into the Who's Who in Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
He is receiving the Founder Of The Year award.
Very Cool !

How exciting! Congrats BR!!!

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