MOL updates - please report issues here.

Having the same problem here. MOL won't load using our internet, only through the iPhone cellular. We have FIOS, too. 

Sometimes when hitting the "quote" button it copies the wrong quote. This seems to happen especially when quoting a post that itself has quoted a long post (eg one with the "click to read more" button).

PVW said:

Sometimes when hitting the "quote" button it copies the wrong quote. This seems to happen especially when quoting a post that itself has quoted a long post (eg one with the "click to read more" button).

 The quoting issue is one of the main priorities at the moment- we had one fix but then it triggered another issue.  We should get there in the next day or two hopefully.

Is there an issue with "edit"?  I've been trying to correct a typo in a post I made a while back (maybe a week or more.)  When I click edit, it opens up the edit box, I make the change and then click submit.  But the change doesn't "take".

There used to be a time limit for editing a post.  I don't know if that still exists.

joan_crystal said:

There used to be a time limit for editing a post.  I don't know if that still exists.

If so, then it should just prevent going in to edit. In this case it looks like I’ve made the change but then it reverts back. All I’m trying to do is fix an autocorrect fail that I missed at the time LOL

Also, I object to a time limit in any case. It’s my post and I should be able to edit it. Courtesy suggests an ETA comment for substantive changes and if something is controversial, it will probably have been quoted by someone else in the interim anyway (which I can’t edit in that case and probably rightly so, but I can further comment in that case.)

sac said:

Is there an issue with "edit"?  I've been trying to correct a typo in a post I made a while back (maybe a week or more.)  When I click edit, it opens up the edit box, I make the change and then click submit.  But the change doesn't "take".

 If you're able to see the edit screen - not sure why it didn't take.  Can you let me know which post it was so I can test it.  Feel free to PM me also if you don't want to post it here.

Jamie, I tried to use the "local links" to get to CHS because I wanted to see a schedule of home games for the soccer teams, but I get a "403 Forbidden" message. Other links work, but not that one. Just letting you know.  (Actually, the links to various school sites don't work, but the one to Cougar Soccer did)

thanks - school links work now - will revisit the other links in the next few days.

jamie said:

 If you're able to see the edit screen - not sure why it didn't take.  Can you let me know which post it was so I can test it.  Feel free to PM me also if you don't want to post it here.

Took me a while to find it and it’s actually a month old ... It’s a post I made on August 25 in the plastic bag ban thread. I wanted to change ‘stalked’ to ‘stapled’. (Autocorrect struck there and I never noticed it until a few days ago.)

Thanks - definitely a bug.  I edited it for you for now.  My guys should be able to figure this one out soon.  It's definitely not a timing issue.

sac said:

Took me a while to find it and it’s actually a month old ... It’s a post I made on August 25 in the plastic bag ban thread. I wanted to change ‘stalked’ to ‘stapled’. (Autocorrect struck there and I never noticed it until a few days ago.)

This should be fixed.

There is an update to the quote feature.  You can only use the "Quote" button once per comment.  

You can use "Reply to this Comment" multiple times.

Any other issues?  We have more tweaks coming - including the ability to run this site as an PWA - progressive web app.  More on that soon!

The site won't load on my phone on my home wifi. It works when I switch to mobile.

I'm running chrome on a Galaxy S10.

On the device you're having issues with - send me your ip address:

You can find your ip address here: - the ipv4 one.

Other devices on your home wifi connect ok?

"Let's do the Time Warp again."  Last post 49 years ago?

Just noticed the 49 years error — brought back memories....

49 years error only occurring in the sub-forums, BTW.

Thanks for the heads up!  Fixed.

Jamie, is there an issue developing with front page updating? I just posted something in mtierney’s Christian thread, but it hasn’t moved up to the front page. Instead a post that’s over 10mins old is still at the top of the list. 
(I don’t have to be first. Just making sure all is ok)

ok,. i think it would show now - at some point we'll probably highlight Maplewood specific first on the home page - politics do not show there.

Thanks, Jamie. I thought the Christian thread was VC rather than politics; it would explain my total confusion this morning, though. (Too much fire smoke and dust  in the air for clear thinking)

Edited to add: Challenges Facing Pope Francis thread is VC, and is still on page 2 of Main Forum. 

It will probably pop back up after the next post

For about a week I was having the same problem as mrincredible.  No access from home wifi on either phone, tablet , or computer. All using chrome.   All other things worked perfectly.  I checked my router and nothing was blocked or restricted.  Now it is all working again.

FilmCarp said:

For about a week I was having the same problem as mrincredible.  No access from home wifi on either phone, tablet , or computer. All using chrome.   All other things worked perfectly.  I checked my router and nothing was blocked or restricted.  Now it is all working again.

 I've been having the same issue recently using Safari on both ipad and iphone. Was wondering if Verizon was choking your site for some reason.

We're seeing this odd issue with Verizon users - we're trying to pin down the exact cause - right now - the reasoning for blacklisting some IPs is very vague.

When this goes happen - access to the site will be completely blocked.

For those regular who have Verizon - we can take some proactive measures in the meantime:

On the device you're having issues with - send me your ip address:

You can find your ip address here: - the ipv4 one.

I will then whitelist your IP which should prevent any future issues.  

When you're in the Politics sub-forum, the "Return to all Discussions" link brings you back to the Politics sub-forum, instead of to forums.

yeah - we need to add another button or rename it if you're in a subforum.

I've been getting "connection time out" messages several times over the last few days, including tonight. Anyone else having trouble connecting?

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