My Journey Beating Cancer

I found radiation side effects to be most tolerable. The hardest part was the routine of travelling there each day,in my case 7 weeks. 3 years ago I only had to do 6 weeks but it was still tedious.This past time I had some burns but that was a singular, out of the ordinary occurance which isn't at all the norm. I think you'll come through this part of the treatment "aces". Best wishes for a joyful holiday. We have a lot to be grateful for. What a wonderful time in medicine, with all the strides they are making. God bless.

Been thinking about your journey Sir, and hope you are feeling the best you possibly can. Sending you good energy and well being wishes.

My apologies for the lack of updates.  Had a PET Scan a couple weeks back, the cancer is gone.  Recovery is slow but continuing.  Lost 40 lbs which I needed to lose but some of it was muscle mass so I am also weaker.  Radiation was not bad until the last week and the following month.  Seems to have a slow effect on you.  Anyway, I'm alive and trying to get back to normal, or at least find a new normal.

Congratulations. I too have finished surgery and radiation. Onward!

Very happy to hear from both of you, and glad that the news is good.

Truly wonderful news for all!

Please to announce publicly that shemademedothis has been released back to normal GP care (just the usual blood tests for tumour markers now), no further plans for Oncology or Blood Disorders to see him. Yay!!!  question 

Happy to read this Joanne!

Mine went the opposite way. Sarcoma metastitsized to the lungs,stage 4. It was almost expected given the aggressiveness and speed.Currently on targeted treatment, kinda like chemo but pill form.Thats everyday,forever. CAP CT scan this Sat, so we will see if the drugs slowed it down or whether some new tumors grew.Could be worse. Could have jumped to liver.

oh, Georgieboy! LOL 

Sending PVs, as we haven't words ...

Good luck at your CT scan on Saturday georgieboy.  Fingers crossed for you.

I'vn doing my part and the med team has been doing theirs. I'm willing to turn the rest to GOD

I'm sorry to hear this. Did the scan not go well? We all do our best in these circumstances and nothing is guaranteed. 

Find out about scan results tommorow.

Best wishes, georgieboy. I'll be thinking of you. 

Oh well. Not respoonding to to chemo. In fact, tumors doubled in size. Had a port put in my chest yesterday so we can try a newer,nastier chemo drug. At least we have a plan. Cautiously optomistic. Thy will be done.

D had a port for his; it wasn't removed for about three years, for one reason or another. Great for the chemo, no real inconvenience once he got used to it. You just have to get it flushed regularly. 

Truly hope things work out.  wink 

I'm so sorry to hear this.  I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope this turns around.    

Wishing you better health and outcomes, georgieboy.

Started the new chemo. Only rub is that I have to do an overnight stay as it takes 24 hours to drip new stuff in. Very corrosive.Can not get get any on skin. I can't imagine how its poisoning my body.Will do it for 3 months and then a CT scan to see if its working. No slam dunks here and my oncologist has another drug up her sleeve if CT does not pan out. Some nasty sides. Mainly nausea and fatigue White cells are lowered in 43% of people, less for heart disease,kidney and liver difficulties. Gotta do what you gotta do. Thy will be done. If this chemo works, I will be on it forever. Oh well.

Georgieboy, virtual hugs and good vibes coming your way.  wink   wink 

and from here, too! 

@georgieboy It's been a while since I checked MOL, so in reading this thread, I'm sorry to see that you are fighting this harder. Any side effects yet?

Positive thoughts and prayers for you wink  question  question  question  big surprise 

@jeff I hope your good news is permanent!  wink  question 

I'm sorry to report that my beloved husband, GeorgieBoy, lost his battle with cancer on June 3d. Mercifully, the end came quickly & he is no longer in pain. He loved the MOL community & contributing to DIY threads to share his knowledge. Thank you to all who posted their support.

Mrs. GB

I am so very sorry to hear this. You are in my prayers. 

So sorry to hear this.  I was so hoping things would turn around.  You are in my thoughts.

Sorry to hear the news.   LOL RIP Georgieboy

Very sorry to hear the sad news.

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