My Life with Dogs and Cats

Is there a link? I guess she'll let me know today. If there is I will post it.

What? How did I miss this????

Details please!

So, last friday my daughter calls me all excited and tells me she has been chosen to play iwth U2, but I can't say a word.

Sunday night she calls and tells me she met U2, and talked with Bono, learned the music, and practiced with the band
Still, I cannot tell anyone.

Monday evening she calls, says she played, it was so awesome (but cold), and she met some celebrities.
Jimmy Fallon thanked them personally, Sarah Jessica Parker talked with them personally and thought they were awesome.

She and a few others from the RU band and U2 were discussing the fact that they had hand warmers in their gloves, and Bono went to shake my daughter hand, but she thought he wanted to feel how warm her glove was an awkward moment...LOL

...that's all I know.

DAughter is second RU student from the left.

I can't really tell from the photo, Jeanne---what instrument does she play?

but when marching she plays cymbals.

Totally exciting!! She will now have a great story for "close encounters of the celebrity" kind. Glad that I got to see the clip, too.

Link to video.

Thanks for the link Mrincredible.

So, I've been too busy to be posting much. I'm picking out and arranging delivery of a bunch of things the house needs and working full time...and commuting into the city on the 6:18am and getting home between 6:30 and 7pm. And trying to get a logo together for a great new group in Maplewood.

I don't think I'm doing well on any of the above. Something will crash and burn soon--I'm sure. I hope it's not the house.

Heard today...

Royal Blue's foster-to-adopt family wants to....



YEAH Royal!!!!!! Way to charm the family!

I just LOVE a happy ending!!!

Well, thanks to you I've been addicted to the web site, liked their Facebook page and donated to the last raffle (that I actually WON!!). When Eddie was slated to be put down on Saturday, Mr Z told me to go ahead: I submitted the application to foster Friday night. We are driving out to Bayside tomorrow afternoon to pick up Mama, although I would probably be hard pressed to not pick any of them.

musicmz---you're an angel!

Aww, what a cutie, Musicmz!

Simone has gotten beyond manic about going outside.

Today I had to talk our vet about her extreme anxiety that started during the water bottle incident.

I'm sure it doesn't help her to have a stranger in the house making banging noises.

She may go on doggie prozac.

Meanwhile...Hunter got his stitches out today!!!! YEAH!!!!

Excellent news for Hunter. And I think the doggie prozac is probably the right approach for Simone. Is there any chance that could be a temporary solution and that she could be weaned off it after awhile, or would it be considered permanent? I'm wondering if perhaps she could be conditioned back into accepting normal stimuli outdoors?

Have you tried the Thunder Shirt? It may not be enough on its own but maybe the shirt along with the prozac may help lessen her anxiety. And it has a money back guarantee if you determine it doesn't work for her. Glad to hear that Hunter is free of stitches!!!

I have a thunder shirt for Hunter, but doesn't work.

Our vet recc'd to walk Simone with a beagle, and it did help tonight when I took Hunter out with us. At least Simone came of the front steps and did something.

Meanwhile, tonight Bella-mia went on a sleep over with a real boy! I hope she behaves herself.

The thunder shirt doesn't work for Hunter, or you already tried it on Simone and it doesn't work for her? My understanding is it doesn't work for every dog, but does work for some.

Maybe she will relax over time if you keep taking her out with one of the beagles. I hope so. Poor baby.

Bella had an overnight with a young 10-year-old boy who really wants a dog, but because his family travels in the summer, he can't adopt one.

The boy's father asked if Bella could spend the night so the boy could see how much work a dog really was. The first thing Bella did was jump on their table and eat their dinner. LESSON 1: keep an eye on the dog at all times. Other than that one bad thing--she was a good pup.

The boy however, wouldn't get up in the morning to take her out, and so dad had to step in on that task.
LESSON 2: You have to get up with you dog in the morning. (SIDE NOTE: BELLA LOVES TO SLEEP IN).

Meanwhile, Hunter and Simone walked almost 1 block together. That's a far cry from Simone not wanting to get further than 5 feet from our front steps. Clearly the key to Simone's recovery is walking with another dog.

Sounds like there's a little boy out there who will NOT be getting a dog. Too bad, but maybe it will help him grow up a little.

Hooray for Simone! You go, girl. smile

Well, a week goes by fast. Both kids were home last week.

I took Thursday off to spend time with them, and ended up getting a migraine, and NOT spending time with them.

Simone is a 50/50 on going outside without a beagle. Sometimes she's just fine, and we even walked a few houses away on Sunday. But, then, she reverts right back to her manic fear and won't leave the front steps.

She seems better in the dark.

Bella and Hunter had a vet visit last week, and both weigh the same!!!! 38lbs. Good for Hunter, bad for Bella. This means Hunter lost 4lbs and Bella gained 4lbs.

I'm watching a hard lump that has formed on Hunter's collarbone after his rabies shot. It's hard, but it doesn't move and he doesn't seem to be in any pain from it. If it's not gone by Saturday I'll bring him in to have it checked. I'm hoping it will disappear as fast as it appeared.

Sorry to hear about your migraine. I HATE it when I get one when I have plans that can't be changed.

It sounds like Simone is making a little progress, one baby step at a time. Hope Hunter's lump disappears, as well as Bella's extra 4 lbs. LOL

Itchy eye season has begun!

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