My Life with Dogs and Cats

Puppy Training Log 06.07.10

The weekend flew by.

I finally put down the rug in the dinning room. NO one has pee'd on it yet.
IT HAS BEEN YEARS since I had rugs on the floor in the house.

The heat t seemed to effect Hunter and he vomited a few times over the course of the weekend. I have the air on in my bedroom, and the dogs can go there anytime, but Hunter insisted on sitting in the living room. I directed the fan on him, but he still got sick.

I took today off from work to take my daughter to her ear specialist. The dogs seem happy and content to sit at my feet and chew bones. This is a good thing--I have no energy to take them anywhere.

LOL! Oscar is 9 lbs and was constantly getting out the first month-6 weeks we had him. Every time we thought he had the hole plugged, he would find another one. Glad you were able to get Hobbs home quickly and safely.

I actually enjoy a little "Little dog" time now and again. Hobbs cracked me up.

My little dog is 35lbs. She's the smallest dog I ever had in my whole life! My Bella Mia!

I remember the vet laughing at me when he overheard me say to Bella --"I've never had a little dog before"--she weighed in at 30lbs that day. He told me Bella wasn't a little dog and I replied--"She's little to me".

NEXT TRIP..I brought my big puppy....72lbs of crazy Simone dog....and he complained that I treated her like a baby.

What's wrong with that???? I can cradle her head in my arms just like a baby!

Puppy Training Log 06.10.10

Simone attacked my bedding! Not sure what my bedding said or did to provoke her, but she was chewing her bone on the floor. Then she started making a whinning noise, and I didn't pay attention--then the scooby talking, and then....

...she grabbed the side of my down comforter and tore it--feathers flying.

"Hey!!!" I yelled at her..and she went back to chewing her bone, like nothing had happened.


Puppy Training Log 06.11.10

If it's not this it's that....

So Simone is starting to be a pretty well behaved member of the family. Hunter was never really bad--ever. But now Bella Mia!

My darling little princess is jumping up and stealing food from our dinner table!!!! This is a new behavior for her. We need to get a new spray bottle this weekend. You would think--"hey Jeanneh, don't you think you can just tell her no"--but it's clear that NO means TRY HARDER, or BE MORE SNEAKY in Bella's language.

For now--when we eat we will need to crate our princess---UNHEARD OF IN THE ROYAL WORLD!!!!

When I was growing up, we had a Dalmatian named Dilly. (Don't ask me why we called her that, I was only three!) We had trained her to stay in the living room while we ate dinner in the kitchen, and she knew perfectly well what her place was. She would start out lying on the floor with her nose just barely on the other side of the line where the kitchen floor met the living room floor. During the course of the meal, she would shuffle forward on her elbows until her nose was poking into the kitchen, and little by little would introduce more and more of herself into the room where all the tantalizing smells were. All we had to do was glare at her and say, sternly, "Dilly! Go to your room!" and she would shuffle back hastily until her nose was on the right side of the boundary again. Too funny.

What a cute story PeggyC!

I'd love to be in the shuffle stage with Bella, but she's just braisen, and sneaky.

Today the dogs didn't nap...tonight, they can't get up to come upstairs---everyone is dead on the couches in the living room....not really dead, just dead to the world. just find this hysterical!

Yippee for me...I get the bed all to myself!!! Maybe I'll stretch out my legs, and roll back and forth...I hardly ever get to do that.

So, did you have the bed to yourself all night? What a treat! There are nights when I wish Mr. PeggyC and all three cats would take themselves off somewhere else. :bigsmile:

Portrait of a dog who didn't nap on Saturday AT ALL, so around 9:30pm, after dinner and good walk--this is what happened.

...and that's how she stayed.

The dogs eventually made it upstairs some time in the middle of the night.

and just for fun--a cat--my rat killer Mr. Max

Puppy Training Log 06.14.10

Saturday, the contractor was here tackling my long list of things to do. I know he was a bit hesitant to come through the door with Simone, but when he came to the door 1) he did not ring the bell, and 2) when I opened the door I handed him a huge handful of dog treats.

He let the dogs have all the treats, so Simone let him in without incident. He was able to come and go from the house throughout the day without her attacking him, the other dogs or the furniture. He being here is one reason no dogs napped--they were busy getting into his work--following--sniffing stuff---stealing small screws--tearing up name it--it was a busy day helping the contractor. Then a busy evening with mommy in the garden, digging holes in the yard, chasing anyone who walked by and breaking the petunias up.

I can't figure out why on Sunday, with the same MO, The kids were greeted by a crazy dog who could not hold her sit--even with treats available. Simone was out of control most of the day Sunday--even knocking down my little one year old neighbor by a full force--2-paw pounce from a sit position. Thankfully the baby was ok--and only shocked that Simone would do such a thing--no crying--just a look of shock. Simone has NEVER acted that way with the baby.

I was shocked Simone would do that. She has been 100% great with the kids in the neighborhood up until now. She will sit or lay down and enjoys their attention. I understood something was very wrong when afterwards, Simone refused to sit, lay down or do anything commanded. She was just nutty.

I took her home, gave her allergy meds and let her sleep it off. I'm not sure what provoked her to do that--so now I can't trust her, and the NO TOLLERANCE law is in effect again in our house. I had slacked off with all the strictness, because she was doing so well, but it is clear she need consistent strict guidance--no more slacking.

I hate this, but I'm going to have to put her off the bed again. It's hot now, so she might welcome her own cool space. WOW is she in for a shock tonight!!!!

DOGS!!!!! ugh!

Oh, boy, that sucks. Just when you thought you could give her a bit more leeway. But pushing over a baby isn't something you CAN tolerate, unless you want to be on very bad terms with your neighbors. *sigh*

Sometimes, like when I see that photo of Bella, I envy people who have dogs. But most of the time I recognize that I'm a cat person all the way... they are so low-maintenance, or at least mine are. I like a no-care pet. :crazy:

Well, OK, I do have to scoop or change litter, feed them and make sure their water bowl is clean and fresh, but otherwise... I'm off the hook.

Jeanneh, your Max looks SO much like my Mischa!

Wow PeggyC our kitties do look similar.

My Max is our outdoor only kitty, whom I do bring in on Halloween and really super cold days.

He is getting pretty old for an outdoor kitty (10ish), but recently started bringing home large rats. My neighbor is actually happy about this, as she said she's seen the rats coming from the sewers, and running across people's lawns. I thought Max had given up his hunting days. In the past few years he's allowed the squirrels to have babies in my trees. He did nothing...just watched...then begged for dinner out a bowl.

He's not friendly, but in the past few years allows me to touch him. Lately he's been doing this cute upside down thing outside the kitchen door. Simone is afraid of him--for a very good reason. He puts up with no nonsense from her. I actually appreciate him giving Simone a good beating. Maybe she'll be nicer to our baby May.

I would let him inside, except he sprays. He was fixed at 6 months(or there about since we really didn't know how old he was when he arrived on our back porch as small kit). Our nanny at the time started feeding him and he lived in her bedroom for a few months--then started spraying. He sprayed even after being fixed, so I had to let him out--which is where he wanted to be anyways.

He's been very loyal to us. So I take care of him, feed him, vet him---and let him stay.

Catching him and taking him to the vet is a hysterical process.

Puppy Training Log 06.16.10 (The ZOMBIE DIARIES)

In contradiction to my earlier post where I said I loved mornings....

I hate mornings.

I've been taking NYQUIL to sleep through the night with my cold (2 weeks running). I'm pretty dead by morning. Simone can leap on, sit on, roll over and lick me--still I can't seem to move for several minutes to defend myself against her morning attack (um, I mean...sweet way she wakes me).

Yesterday, my own flesh and blood--my son, was poking my face, and pulling at my eyebrows to wake me--to which I had no defense but to mumble--"I need 5 more minutes".

Seriously--if the house was on fire--I'd be unable to rise. Once I do rise I'm a zombie until about 10am or so.

Monday at work was hysterical. I had taken a DAYTIME cold medicine to offset the NYQUIL still in my system. The end result?--I was pretty stoned. The overhead lighting twinkled--pretty! When the Subway passed I thought I was spinning. How I got to work at all is a mystery.

SO long story short---Simone remains on the bed, since I am unaware of her being there most of the night anyways. No real training has taken place in the past week--and dog walks are limited to 2 block radius.

The dogs are starting to get restless!!!!

That's not a cold, if you're past the two-week mark. Seriously, I'd see the doctor if I were you.... you might do a lot better on antibiotics than Nyquil/Dayquil at this point. Although the description of going to work stoned on cold meds was pretty funny. :crazy:

Happy Birthday Baby Bella Mia!

Today, Bella Mia turns 2 years old. Everyone is invited the the princess themed birthday party later tonight.
My daughter says Bella doesn't even know what a birthday is, and wouldn't even care if I forgot it was her birthday!

:shocked: That's NOT true!!!

Ah, but I'm sure she will be VERY happy when she sees her presents and cake, even if she has no idea what they are for. :wink:

Puppy Training Log 06.21.10

This weekend we went to my parents Summer home in upstate NY (I call it the Summer home because most of the year they are in Florida because my dad can't take the cold--but this is the home I lived in as a teenager). It sits in on a dirt road, with only 7 houses total on the whole road. The house is perfect for dog romping--large, with a huge circle 8 like run from the kitchen dinning area into the massive living room. My parents have a "dog" chair that can hold all three dogs--the only furniture they are allowed to sit on. The white suede couch is OFF LIMITS. The yard is massive, complete with in ground pool, and a large pond about a 3 minute walk through the conservatory land next door.


Bella and Simone can be off leash up there. I swear they both have the biggest smiles on their faces when we unclicked the leashes. We put Hunter on long lead and his favorite place is swimming in the pond and rolling in the mud. There are plenty of smells, bunnies, and raccoons, deer, and other critters --even a black bear!

SO much was going on for the dogs--greeting my family, on STUPID FAMILY DAY (a yearly party--affectionately named), going to the pond, racing around the pool, running the circle 8 inside--and napping in the BIG chair. PLUS the 3.5 hour car ride to and from.

Needless to say, Sunday we got home around 5pm, and the dogs have been in some state of nap/sleep position ever since.

The only drawback to all that upstate NY fun, is the nightly search for deer ticks on the bellies and underarms of all the pups--YUCK!!!

Puppy Training Log 06.22.10

Happy Summer to all 3 people who read this blog!

I believe the lazy days of Summer are upon us--and my kids, who seem to have forgotten that walking the dogs requires actually taking the dogs off the property and down the sidewalk. PICK UP THE POOP---being sung by me daily now, as if, without the school daily dull-drums, they have forgotten how to do it.

The dogs don't like the heat much, so their time is spent in my air conditioned bedroom these days. It only getting hotter.

Simone enjoys her baby pool, and when I am outside caring for the gardens I take her out on long lead and she sits in the pool while I pull weeds, and clean up the dead flowers. (Hey--I didn't say I was a good gardener)

Last night Bella was a cuddle-bug. She got right into the pile of pillows in my bed and rested her head on my shoulder for a very long time. She will cuddle for a long time--and doesn't pull away like the other 2 when I cuddle her back. She likes it.

All 3 dogs got some pretty cool bones last night. 3 bones, 3 dogs should = harmony, but in no time Simone had taken all the bones for herself. I wish I had taken pictures of how she was hoarding them. She has broken them all up in pieces so now there are more than 3 things to chew, yet she still hoards it all.


Well, you know what they say: Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun. :devil:

You should post some photos of Simone in her baby pool. That sounds like a riot.

Puppy Training Log 06.24.10

It's down to the home stretch for Lauren's surgery next Tuesday. So if that wasn't enough to deal with, I've hired J to do some repair to the ceilings in the living room prior to getting the new furniture delivered, so all the current furniture is pushed together in the middle of the room and covered in sheets--dust is everywhere---even the dinning room and kitchen. It's a disaster area.

Bella is the only dog still sitting on the furniture. She loves jumping from piece to piece and standing on top of things looking out the window.

I believe all 3 dogs can sense the stress building in the house, and esp Bella has become uber cuddly and needy.

I am very worried leaving my 75 year old mother to be with all 3 dogs for the 2 nights I'm at the hospital. Simone has NEVER been away from me--not even 1 night. That invisible umbilical cord she and I share is still attached, and where ever I am in the house--there is Simone. I think my mother might have some difficulty with getting the dogs to settle down when it's time for bed.

I'm having a flashback to leaving Hunter as a baby with a dog sitter in our home, and Hunter cried (howling and hooting) for 3 nights in a row, because I wasn't there with him at night. He was a basket case. I should have left sedatives for him--the sitter never sat again. (LOL)

My son has gone off to Wildwood, and was supposed to return next Wednesday, but I've asked him to come back Tuesday morning to help his grandmother and to be at the hospital with his sister. He agreed.

The one thing I am looking forward to is staying home for 2 weeks in a row. I haven't had more than 5 days off at one time per year in 10 years. I've banked so many days off, I still have plenty to take for John's surgery later in the summer AND---a week to do something---maybe at Xmas.

Spending the 2nd week--painting the entire living room--ceiling, trim and walls--even up the stairs and rails.

I hope I can keep the dogs out of the paints!!!:shocked:

Puppy Training NOT--it's too HOT!!!! Log 06.25.10

Bedroom airconditioned
Dogs laying around
Getting ready for Lauren's surgery
Sleeping late Saturday morning

Block party Saturday
Face painting
Buying something instead of cooking something to contribute
Getting slightly drunk

Took Bella for a long walk yesterday evening after I took the Jitney home, and then realized I had parked the car at the station that morning.

Loosing my mind.

NO Puppy Training going on Log: 06.27.10

The house is a disaster from having the ceiling lights installed--dust everywhere.

My mother is due to arrive at 1am--AHHH!

We have a pre op apt soon, and an Apple store apt to get the ipod fixed....when will I clean my house?

Being busy today is the best thing to keep my mind off of tomorrow.

Dogs are not getting the attention they are used to! I expect destruction of some sort today.

Jeanneh, best wishes for Lauren's surgery tomorrow. I'm sure everything else will be fine, or at least bearable or repairable. Fingers crossed for an easy, swift recovery.

NO Puppy Training Going on Log 06.29.10

Woke up at 4am to take care of feeding and walking the pups. I had to wake them and get them moving. I was tempted to leap all over Simmy and kiss her face and flop on her, since that's her method of rising me.

Thanks PeggyC--things are going fine with L. In PICU currently, but all is as expected. Will be home Thursday afternoon if she keep up the good recovery.

Meanwhile my 75-year-old mother is in charge at home! Those dogs have no idea what they are in for.....just kidding---she adores her grand puppies.

We are home--the dogs were only a bit crazed. All of them feel the need to sleep on Lauren's bed with her. The sniff her alot. Simone and Hunter play in the cool mist of the humidifier--it's cute.

I think they understand they can't be jumping and horsing around right now. They've been very nice for my mom--no messes--no crying--no bad behavior.

Hah. It's just like my cats when one of them comes home after a vet visit. Everybody has to check out the patient and make sure it's all kosher. :wink:

I'm glad everyone's behaving and that (apparently) Lauren came through with flying colors.

Or your mother laid down the law to your dogs, LOL!

I'm very glad Lauren is doing well, Jeanne. Prayers and well wishes being sent your way, my friend.

Thank you Critterlover and PeggyC.

Lauren has had some bad moments, but all in all doing very well. The Dr is so pleased. I'm exhausted. My mom went home early this morning--so, It's just John and I holding down the fort---as of tonight---the fort still stands.

07.04.10 The dogs freaked out during the fireworks--Bella was shaking at the top of the stairs, Hunter would not stop barking, and Simone was starting fights with both beagles and barking. I felt bad for all 3. I did provide yummy treats part of the time, and during that--everyone was more interested in the treats than the noises--but wow---the fireworks lasted longer than I had treats for.

Note to self---buy extra treats for 4th of July 2011.

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