Perimenopause: how do ya know???

I'm soon to be 52, still chugging right along. (haven't stopped) Moods were the an Rx for that. Went through sleeplessness and night sweats in my mid-late 40's, which passed. Don't feel much else, but I do have a ginormous fibroid which is aggravating, but I'm choosing to ignore it for now. I'll go back in 6 mos and see how I feel.

I had the strangest menopause I've ever heard of. I was never regular, sometimes I'd menstruate every 2-3 months, sometimes the intervals were even longer. When I started menopause, I became regular and stayed regular for about two years. I had no other symptoms (though I suspect the Menieres may have been brought on by the changing hormones). Then I stopped menstruating, had my period 11 months later and that was it. It's been about 3 years now.

My Gyno said I shouldn't tell other women because I might get lynched. oh oh

Okay, worst part for me were the extremely frequent periods, which also brought on migraines--every two weeks or so. The hot flashes weren't much fun either. Now that I am on the other side, I would have to say the worst thing for me is still feeling the hormonal rush every month or so. I get bloated, have migraines, can't sleep... I hate it. All in all though, I would say I had a fairly uneventful transition.

Yep. I have been getting migraines with every period ( which now come about 3 wks apart instead of 4) and they last the first 3 days. I used to get migraines every 3 or 4th period. Really fun.

conandrob240 said:

Yep. I have been getting migraines with every period ( which now come about 3 wks apart instead of 4) and they last the first 3 days. I used to get migraines every 3 or 4th period. Really fun.

The fun never stops does it?

pippi said:

PeggyC said:

campbell29 said:

Alas, i have lost all interest in poking.

oh oh

Sorry, Pippi. I know the feeling.

Whoa! Back up, sister. I still poke. campbell29 lost interest.

I meant those to be responses to entirely DIFFERENT comments from both of you! I should have been more clear!!!!! oh oh

OH, and I never meant to imply that I had also lost all interest in poking! Not that I'm offering an opinion either way on THAT topic. smile

Vit B (I think it's 6 and 12) helps with the hormonal migraines. And they're meant to stop when you actually are officially in menopause (i.e at the end of it all). So if you're still getting hormonal migraines, you're (apparently) not really over. (according to my sister the research scientist and med librarian)

Fibroids are meant to shrink naturally when the hormones are no longer influencing their growth, i.e. when you're done. I have two that we're watching since there is a family history of PCOS, endo, OvCa/uterine cancer and fibroid complications, but I've been told by my gynae these two will most likely fizzle out on their own.

I went for an extended time when I thought little was happening, but on reflection it was just a new pattern. Previously I had always had a full week, full flow, very heavy pattern like clockwork for almost 30 years. Massive cramps, horrible clotting (sorry), just ikky but at least it was reliable. So when this new pattern of light short periods, that arrived when they felt like it, started I just didn't know what was going on. It felt like the end of it all. But no: I'm now going a stage of 2 to3 weekly periods with horrid backaches, migraines, brain-clearing bone-drenching sudden fatigue and every third one has cramps that literally knock me to the floor. Worst thing is sometimes I have those cramps and little or no bleeding.

I have noticed a tendency for increased pain in other parts of my body before a period arrives (my arthritis is worse, for example), and also I get nose bleeds and my overnight BGL increases. :-(


If you noticed, I never said I was done with menopause. I specifically said, "Now that I am on the other side... " I know I am done with my period, but not totally done with menopause.

BUT my mother had migraines after she had gone into menopause, so there's a familial component too.

Anyone having body aches/pains? I am 52, very very peri menopausal. Between the hot flashes, surges, mood swings and hysteria I am actually considering HRT even tho I am a nurse and know all of the dangers. I just want to feel normal.

HeartRN said:

Anyone having body aches/pains? I am 52, very very peri menopausal. Between the hot flashes, surges, mood swings and hysteria I am actually considering HRT even tho I am a nurse and know all of the dangers. I just want to feel normal.

I am a nurse too, and did go on HRT for a few years to get me through it, in spite of the dangers. It did help, but I eventually came off HRT becasue I did get scared. Really, it got me through the worst of it and when I came off most of the worst sympoms were pretty much gone.

My mother had numerous blood clots in her legs and was hospitalized for weeks. She also got breast cancer. My aunt ( on dad's side) also had both clots and breast cancer. Each of them got it roughly 5-7 yrs after starting HRT after an early hysterectomy. Be careful.

PeggyC said:

Oh, yes, that's quite common. All of it. Mood swings are part of it, so why not anxiety? Also, be on the lookout for extremely heavy periods ... the word "hemorrhage" came to mind when I was getting to the end of my cycles. Used to scare the daylights out of me. I went through that maybe five times before it all stopped.

extremely heavy periods ... the word "hemorrhage" came to mind
This is exactly where I am and that word is what I keep thinking. Although friends assure me it is "normal" it is unbelievably aggravating and frightening!

Love my B Complex supplement. B6 for mood and B12 for energy. Was also told by a surgeon that it helps with healing( had some plastic surgery after an accident).

Thanks for the warning, joanne. My oncologist knew I was taking the black cohosh and chase tea whatever compound and didn't stop me. I did stop 7 weeks ago due to surgery and decided not to continue using it. But Oona did turn my life around when I was 'hemorrhaging.'

Hazel, it IS frightening. Part of why I mentioned it is that it came as a total surprise to me, which is even more scary. Better to know it's a possibility, so you know what it is, if an when it happens.

Regarding migraines, this ties into a theory I have.

I noticed that my Meniere's Disease (inner ear disorder involving the vestibular nerve and retained fluids applying pressure on it) kicked in around the time I was going into menopause in a serious way. I'd been having Meniere's attacks for a couple of years, basically during perimenopause. But once menopause got serious, the Meniere's ramped up to an incapacitating level. A couple of years later, I began having migraines.

I've noticed on the Meniere's Disease web forum I participate in that MANY folks who have Meniere's and/or migraines do so around the time of menopause. I think it's all tied together somehow.

Hormones, nerve function, age... UGH. Talk about flusterclucks.

ML, sorry if I sounded over the top: bad day yesterday (way too much going on and this body just can't handle it any more). Was trying to send that out for everyone, not just you. Your post reminded me about the point.
Lisat, glad you had it all under control (why would I have thought otherwise? ;-) ) Saw my nutritional medicine lady on Friday and she's almost at the limit of what she can do for me, given the current allergies, so I know how hard it is to find a simple and workable solution.

Re body aches: the soles of my feet burn with pain every day - it's like I leave red footprints of fiery agony wherever I walk. Forget pretty shoes! Mostly I just need comfortable, low 'old lady' shoes to get me around, and socks or bare feet when I'm at home.

Re; the "hemorrhaging": that was me, every month since I was 20-odd. On or off the pill (was only on for a couple of years). Only time that didn't happen was when I was pregnant, and even then I spotted all through the first 8 weeks, heavily enough for docs to deny I was pregnant. (Thank heaven for better testing these days!) By the time anyone wanted to agree with me that I was pregnant it was too late, and I'd lose the baby around the 9th week. So to be suddenly so light and short is bizarre.

The worst thing I have these days is that my spine feels like a tightened piano 'wire' (is that the right term??); the slightest pressure sets it twanging in pain from hips through to coccyx and up around the shoulders. When I can't straighten or have difficulty getting out of a chair, then I know period comes in 12 hours. If I'm also walking into things, or dropping things, then it's sooner. (I try not to drive when this happens!!!)

Maybe if I sleep through the next year or so, my body can just resolve this for me?? What do you think?? do we go on a group holiday and leave our bods behind to work it out without us?


No worries. I wasn't insulted. And I think it's a good point...

Oh, joanne. Sounds like agony. Yesterday I bought a foot cream for diabetic nerve pain. My neuralgia is from chemo, but I'll try it anyway. The main ingredient is that capisan (sp?) (you know the pepper stuff).

grin capsaicin - great stuff, if you're not allergic to peppers. Really boosts metabolism and circulation. Also, eating a rainbow range of peppers, ginger and tumeric helps (stir frys, salads, fresh pickles & relishes, ratatouilles...)

This morning I was treated to a breakfast out: breakfast Bernadette - spinach, mushrooms, poached egg, smoked salmon, toasted Turkish bread, slices of watermelon (I can't have the grilled tomato or the fresh orange slices), and fresh wonderful coffee.... so thoughtful, and gentle enough for my brain to start to tick over...

Bleeding heavily suddenly could be part of your hormonal changes but I've had two friends ( through work) who have had uterine cancer and it started with the sudden heavy bleeds. Both were told it was fibroids/nothing serious. Infuriating!

I had a spell of increasingly heavy bleeds in my late 30s and was told it was just hormonal. Luckily I changed Dr and he didn't think it was necessarily normal and recommended a D&C. Even though my ultrasound was clear he found a polyp. That was 5 years ago and the heavy painful periods have been back to usual since then.

I'm not saying a D&C is always the solution but a doctor should really look into it. Also, I would have fibroids removed. Why keep them?

I had very heavy bleeding with the onset, but I knew it wasn't anything worse because I had a trans-vaginal ultrasound very shortly beforehand. However, had I not, I would have definitely sought out medical advice--I did ask my doctor it, but because of the tests I had gone through, she wasn't too worried.

I had unbelieveable periods in my perimenopausal days. Absolute FLOODING. I used a menstrual cup, and it was sometimes forced out of my body by the flood of blood inside me. This could happen in a very short time, such as during the 45-minute train commute. I would have to buy new clothes before going to work!
Not surprisingly, I was severely anemic during this time (blood counts under 8-9), but I was never offered many options, I think because I had stated that I wanted to handle menopause naturally. But it took 10+ years! I might have sought more interventive help had I known that I would suffer so long.

I've never heard of a menstrual cup.

Had the D&Cs; they never changed my flow one iota. Sigh. Luckily I never became anemic despite the heavy flow; seemed to recover fairly quickly. I remember hearing that there were days my mother literally could not leave the house with hers.

Nothing done about my fibroids as they haven't really changed in 5 years; really small, not doing anything or causing trouble, and I have a habit of reacting to surgery (unnecessary scar tissue, infections etc). Why have surgery if it's not needed? In this case, it's 'watch and see'; for my mother it was 'whoa - take 'em out quick!'.

Anyone know what the normal range for anemia is? I refuse to google medical stuff. Makes me Worry Crazy.

lis, you were told you're just a litle below. Relax. Breathe. Eat greens. (Accept a hug)

I got this from medline plus:
"The general the range is as follows:
Male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microliter (cells/mcL)
Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL
Note: Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.
The examples above show the common measurements for results for these tests. Some laboratories use different measurements or may test different specimens."

News on treatment for hot flashes:

Thanks joanne. I was with my mother while she had a doc's appointment and since they were talking about my mother's anemia, I asked the doc what the range is for her lab. The hemoglobin normal range is 11.8 to 15.? and the doc said she hasn't seen a 15 point one for a very long time. Anything in the 11 range would be fine.

lisat, that's good news, then. Hope is working oout well, just now: you need a few weeks of peace. (Hah! with all that weather??)

joanne said:

News on treatment for hot flashes:


This is my favorite thread to lurk on. Helpful stuff.

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