SOMA Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Group

Thank you, but let's save it for September please. How about Redshirts by Scalzi for July/August? Would anyone be around August 9th? It is a Saturday though.

Started Redshirts and now going to watch Star Trek the Alternate Histories collection. While it pours. See you Agust 8th or 9th!

Hi! Hope your summer and "Redshirts" are going well. Which would be better August 8th, a Friday or the 9th?

8th would be better for me. I have plans for Saturday, unfortunately. Will you be around or would you like me to organize?

I was hoping for the 9th, but August 8th is fine for Redshirts. Ridski will organize. Please join us for a lively discussion!

And if we could meet later...8:30-9?

I'll host, so it's up to you when you want to start.

Just a reminder, SF&F Book Club is tomorrow night (Friday August 8th) at my house starting at 8PM. Please PM me for details. ALL WELCOME. The book we read last month was Redshirts by John Scalzi.

@Comicbooklady, if you can pass this on through your mailing list, that would be great.

Tonight is the Redshirts discussion. Please join us. All are welcome!

Well, I'm trying to save my opinion for tonight but I will say it wasn't as funny as it was trying to be, but it's worth slogging through to get to the 3 Codas, which are brilliant.

I wish I had kept up with the list and read it.

A few weeks back on a whim I downloaded E.E. "Doc" Smiths works which is 2800+ pages, and have been slowly working my way through it. I just finished Gray Lensman which was interesting.

The next book will Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which I quite enjoyed. I downloaded the audiobook and let Gaiman's dulcet tones tell me the story one day while I was working from home. Looking forward to that discussion.

Thanks Ridski I will take a gander.

Looking ahead, would September 5th or 12th be better for our discussion of The Ocean at the End of the Lane? Or are Thursdays best (the 4th or 11th?) All are welcome. And thank you for hosting, Ridski.

As of now I'd prefer either Thursday date.

NYT article by Lev Grossman"Finding My Voice in Fantasy" August 17th.

Thursday September 25th for our first Fall meeting? Does it suit? I would like to host.

I'll be London, that week, but that's cool.

It's the first day of Rosh Ha Shanah so I don't think I'll be able to make it. But thisay not affect anyone else.

I'm going to choose another date. How about the 5th or 12th?

September 11th Thursday at 8 p.m. Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I think Thursdays are best. Is this good?

I do believe I am open that day! And I've actually read (listened to) that book! Bonus!

Happy Labor Day! Let's meet at my home on the 11th at 8 p.m. I will send you the address if requested. All are welcome. Newcomers, too. Please join us for a lively discussion of The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Gaiman.

Hi. I am a fan who recently moved to South Orange. I would love to join this group if I may. How should I get in touch with you?

By the way, this Saturday from 9:30 to 1:00 pm, the Prospect Church Rummage sale will be doing $3 bags for books including a ton of paperback Sci-Fi books someone donated. So, if interested, please stop by (corner of Tuscan and Prospect). Purchase the $3 bags in the book dept.

Thank you! Perhaps a well loved second hand copy of The Ocean at the End of the Lane will be there.

Don't Forget today is the last day of the Prospect Rummage Sale - lots of great items are still available and it is $5 Bag day - for $5 you get a grocery bag in which whatever fits in the bag is yours -- all for $5. There is also a $10 bag for the Fashion Boutique and a $3 books only bag (including a ton of paperback Sci-Fi books someone donated) which you can purchase in those respective departments. Starting at 9:30 am and going until 1:00 pm.


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