FBI raids Mar-A-Lago


nohero said:

Andrew Yang sees his opening. Jerk.

There's a dangerous and deadly side to this, because it involves Trump and the GOP.

"Far-right extremists on pro-Donald Trump message boards and social networks are making violent, antisemitic threats against the judge who reportedly signed the warrant that allowed the FBI to search the former president's Mar-a-Lago property in Florida."


nohero said:

There's a dangerous and deadly side to this, because it involves Trump and the GOP.

"Far-right extremists on pro-Donald Trump message boards and social networks are making violent, antisemitic threats against the judge who reportedly signed the warrant that allowed the FBI to search the former president's Mar-a-Lago property in Florida."


Trump has stirred them up again and there are going to be deadly consequences. These people are animals. 

cramer said:

Trump has stirred them up again and there are going to be deadly consequences. These people are animals. 

These people are the Republicans holding office. 

ml1 said:

Certainly a coming attraction on other local sites. 

nohero said:

MOL Coming Attractions (probably) - 

This may show up there, as well. 

A statement was made by AG Garland. 

I’m having trouble getting the link to embed. Among other things he stated that the department of justice has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and inventory of items that were retrieved.

mrincredible said:

A statement was made by AG Garland. 

I’m having trouble getting the link to embed. Among other things he stated that the department of justice has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and inventory of items that were retrieved.

The DOJ has asked the court to unseal the warrant and the list of items taken from Mar A Lago. This requires Trump's approval. 

eta -  

"The Justice Department is not asking the judge to unseal the affidavit investigators filed along with their request for the search warrant. That affidavit would explain what they were investigating and what evidence they had assembled to date in support of the idea that they would find more evidence if the search warrant were granted. So even if a judge granted the department's request, the public would not see the most important legal document associated with it."


drummerboy said:

We're in a bad place.


seems to me, except for the reactions of some supporters of TFG, this is hopeful stuff.

mjc said:

drummerboy said:

We're in a bad place.


seems to me, except for the reactions of some supporters of TFG, this is hopeful stuff.

It's the off the charts reaction of Republican leaders to this. The mindless charges of corruption against the FBI and DOJ and Garland and Biden.

This is bad. Not unexpected, but bad.

A guy in Ohio tried to shoot up the FBI office there. Can't tell me that it's unrelated.

cramer said:

The DOJ has asked the court to unseal the warrant and the list of items taken from Mar A Lago. This requires Trump's approval. 

eta -  

"The Justice Department is not asking the judge to unseal the affidavit investigators filed along with their request for the search warrant. That affidavit would explain what they were investigating and what evidence they had assembled to date in support of the idea that they would find more evidence if the search warrant were granted. So even if a judge granted the department's request, the public would not see the most important legal document associated with it."


A quibble. 

The magistrate can grant the motion without Trump’s approval. He (his lawyers) can request the warrant and inventory stay sealed. 

So AG Garland is hitting the ball back into trumps court. There have been a lot of Demands from Trump allies to unseal the warrant. Garland is essentially calling their bluff and saying, OK it seems to be in the Public interest to do so. 

I for one am very uneasy about where this will take us. I want to see Trump and his minions held accountable for every misdeed they committed an office. What worries me is the prospect of trump being tried by a jury. Is it possible that a jury could be impaneled of 12 people who would all be willing to risk their safety to vote to convict this man. There is a rabid following that is willing to commit acts of violence to support our former president. I don’t know what I would do if I was sitting in the jury box knowing that my family would be endangered if I voted guilty.

At the same time I am pleased to see that the justice system is working to advance this investigation. I cannot imagine where we would be right now if Joe Biden had not won the 2020 election.

mrincredible said:

cramer said:

A quibble. 

The magistrate can grant the motion without Trump’s approval. He (his lawyers) can request the warrant and inventory stay sealed. 

So AG Garland is hitting the ball back into trumps court. There have been a lot of Demands from Trump allies to unseal the warrant. Garland is essentially calling their bluff and saying, OK it seems to be in the Public interest to do so. 

Per Maggie Haberman, Judicial Watch has already gone to court to get the warrant unsealed. 

cramer said:

Per Maggie Haberman, Judicial Watch has already gone to court to get the warrant unsealed. 

As has the Albany Times-Union apparently. 

I wonder if the former President's lawyers are smart enough to get paid in advance.  Is there ever any news on their pay?   


The judge who approved the search on former President Donald Trump‘s Mar-a-Lago estate was attacked Tuesday for his synagogue involvement by a retired Major League Baseball player. By Wednesday, an online mob was making violent antisemitic threats against him.

Judge Bruce Reinhart, a former prosecutor who had previously been criticized for representing former employees of Jeffrey Epstein related to his sex-trafficking scandal, appears to be on the board of a South Florida synagogue. Trump loyalists eager to question the legitimacy of the FBI raid seized upon that detail.

What began with Lenny Dykstra, a retired New York Mets legend, questioning the nature of the Conservative synagogue’s Judaism, spilled over onto right-wing social media platforms and message boards, where users published the judge’s name, address and personal information. Threats have been directed at Reinhart’s children and supposed family members as well.

On Thursday, a synagogue member told the Forward that the synagogue’s beachside Shabbat service had been canceled “because of the social media hate.”

One user on 4chan, an online message board known for racist activity, wrote: “About that Judge that signed the search warrant…Bruce Reinhart once quit his job as a U.S. Attorney to work for Jeffrey Epstein.” Another responded writing, “That is a k***. And a pedophile … He should be tried for treason and executed.”

“I see a rope around his neck,” wrote a user on the separate pro-Trump message board formerly called TheDonald, according to Vice News.

ok, db, very bad and getting worse, but still somewhat hopeful for the rule of law.

Does anyone know whether jurors can be kept anonymous?  Something in the back of my mind is saying there was a trial where all we heard was Juror 1, Juror 8...?

mjc said:

ok, db, very bad and getting worse, but still somewhat hopeful for the rule of law.

In order for the rule of law to work, it requires some deference from the "other" side as to the authority and legitimacy of the law enforcers.

Otherwise you have a civil war.

I'm not seeing any deference.

FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say (WaPo)

Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.
The people who described some of the material that agents were seeking spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. They did not offer additional details about what type of information the agents were seeking, including whether it involved weapons belonging to the United States or some other nation. Nor did they say if such documents were recovered as part of the search.
Material about nuclear weapons is especially sensitive and usually restricted to a small number of government officials, experts said. Publicizing details about U.S. weapons could provide an intelligence road map to adversaries seeking to build ways of countering those systems. And other countries might view exposing their nuclear secrets as a threat, experts said.

PVW said:

FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say (WaPo)

Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.
The people who described some of the material that agents were seeking spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. They did not offer additional details about what type of information the agents were seeking, including whether it involved weapons belonging to the United States or some other nation. Nor did they say if such documents were recovered as part of the search.
Material about nuclear weapons is especially sensitive and usually restricted to a small number of government officials, experts said. Publicizing details about U.S. weapons could provide an intelligence road map to adversaries seeking to build ways of countering those systems. And other countries might view exposing their nuclear secrets as a threat, experts said.

A commentator on tv Weds. evening said that Garand would not have asked for a search warrant unless what he was looking for was something dealing with national security. This was before the WAPO piece came out. 

Garland's demenaor yesterday suggested that he found what he was looking for.  

Why on Earth would he have nuclear documents?

tjohn said:

Why on Earth would he have nuclear documents?

Dunno, but the Republican excuses should be real doozies.

Between the antisemitism flaring up among Trumpists, against the judge, and the January 6 participant trying to shoot up an FBI office yesterday, this whole episode feels like a dress rehearsal for the nationwide GOP uprising if they don't get their way in the next couple of elections.

tjohn said:

Why on Earth would he have nuclear documents?

Maybe he thought to himself "huh, I really ought to get around to figuring out what this 'nuclear triad' thing people keep talking about is."

Or maybe he just was hoping to make a quick buck selling secrets.

I actually woke up this morning thinking, what if trumpenstein wanted the nuclear weapons documents in order to coordinate nuclear strikes on “radical leftist” cities in America? Or give the info to Putin to launch said attacks? Then his militia will just come in afterwards and clean up the remaining liberal democrats who are living on the outskirts…I am never ruling anything out with this maniac. I don’t think we have seen all the madness this guy is capable of. I shudder to think of how close we came to war with our own people. Thank you Joe Biden. 

Jaytee said:

I actually woke up this morning thinking, what if trumpenstein wanted the nuclear weapons documents in order to coordinate nuclear strikes on “radical leftist” cities in America? Or give the info to Putin to launch said attacks? Then his militia will just come in afterwards and clean up the remaining liberal democrats who are living on the outskirts…I am never ruling anything out with this maniac. I don’t think we have seen all the madness this guy is capable of. I shudder to think of how close we came to war with our own people. Thank you Joe Biden. 

There was a documentary named Jericho along these lines.

tjohn said:

There was a documentary named Jericho along these lines.

was it on tv? 
mid it this?


now the WSJ is reporting that at least a couple of the documents were about Roger Stone's pardon, and "the president of France."

Knowing TFG, I wonder if he had taken files to use to blackmail a few people. When it's the Donald, it's almost always about the money.

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