Ohio is scaring me. Who scares you? NJ edition.

I'm sure if the pro-birth crowd won, they would be singing the praises of the referendum process.

"The people have spoken!"

yahooyahoo said:

 the pro-birth crowd

pro forced birth

I don't have a link but some R's are also talking about removing judicial review for abortion cases. 

drummerboy said:

I don't have a link but some R's are also talking about removing judicial review for abortion cases. 


I like this part, from a legislator who presumably believes human life begins at conception: 

Representative Beth Lear (R-Galena) stated, “No amendment can overturn the God given rights with which we were born.”

PVW said:

drummerboy said:

I don't have a link but some R's are also talking about removing judicial review for abortion cases. 


"To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with Issue 1, Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative. The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides."

The really scary part is that the Republicans will not accept the results of an election, a referendum, a court decision, and so on.  They will try to overturn any result by any means or change the system if it doesn't match their agenda.

I waited almost 50 years for weed to be legalized, so I was disappointed to be moving to a state where it was illegal so soon after NJ legalized it. I figured Ohio was years away from legalization.

So, very pleasantly surprised at the turn of events. I just hope they're quicker at opening retailers than NJ was.


Ohio is scaring all of us…

drummerboy said:

sweet holy moses

Toddler accidentally fires mother’s handgun in Ohio Walmart

Bound to happen somewhere given the number of guns in circulation.  I imagine elsewhere the same day someone used a gun to inflict premature death, hold up a convenience store, carjack someone out of their BMW 7 Series, but most simply go hunting. 

Ohio is playing "can you top this" with itself.

Oops. He did a racism.

Apparently, while arguing over whether to give city employees a day off for Juneteeth, some township bozo said "oh, that's the n-word holiday", or something to that effect.


yahooyahoo said:

drummerboy said:


Holy sh#t!

I can't find a single news item about this police union president since the story broke on Nov. 15/16.
The guy endorsed lynching, and no follow up stories?

Ohio tries to make a move into the 21st century by making marital rape illegal, over Bill Dean's dead body.

OTOH, we are leading the nation in our rush to fascism.

Hooboy, the Buckeyes are active today. Must be in preparation for Christmas.

Sorry for so many posts, but the devil has been hard at work here lately.

drummerboy said:

OTOH, we are leading the nation in our rush to fascism.

That process where people get to choose, it needs to end.

and now they're coming after my legal weed.

that THC content limit is a real killer.

hoo boy.

this is a new tack.

too bad Hamilton is at the other end of the state or I'd plan a visit.

WHAT?! How paranoid do you need to be?!  tongue rolleye

(what’s she got against Wilks who donated the property and original works? Or the curators, who apparently are also longterm employees? And the very highly regarded, longterm collection that’s been there for many years???)

Today weed is legal in Ohio, just about 1 year after my arrival.


Ahem, thought I would ask the liberal Democratic folks here their opinions on this Substack article …..


I did a search for Ohio in that article and came up with nothing.

ridski said:

I did a search for Ohio in that article and came up with nothing.

how does Tuxiera still have a job?

ridski said:

I did a search for Ohio in that article and came up with nothing.

Try googling Democratic.

mtierney said:

Try googling Democratic.

I tried. Didn’t see a hit for this discussion.

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