The mass shooting today.

ml1 said:

it only suggests to me that the shooter was fearful. I don't know why you jump to the conclusion that he's mentally ill or was intoxicated.

and a lot of people are very fearful. We have a network of national and local news outlets that spend much of their time hyping crime, even though most parts of the country are as safe from random crime as they've ever been.

RealityForAll said:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-White).  

Inigo Montoya and 47 million Spaniards would like to have a word with you.

GoSlugs said:

RealityForAll said:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-White).  

Inigo Montoya and 47 million Spaniards would like to have a word with you.

Ok, let me try again:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-Anglo White, or Hispanic White).

RealityForAll said:

Ok, let me try again:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-Anglo White, or Hispanic White).

you seem to derive extreme pleasure from being a contrarian. 

RealityForAll said:

Ok, let me try again:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-Anglo White, or Hispanic White).

How, leaving aside the idiosyncrasies that determine one European state from another, specifically, does a white person from Spain differ from a white person from Southern France?

You seem to be veering dangerously into "octoroon" territory. Those are troubled waters.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.

CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.

CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!


CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

GoSlugs said:

RealityForAll said:

Ok, let me try again:

The shooter's name is a classically non-Anglo name (which could alternatively be described as non-Anglo White, or Hispanic White).

How, leaving aside the idiosyncrasies that determine one European state from another, specifically, does a white person from Spain differ from a white person from Southern France?

You seem to be veering dangerously into "octoroon" territory. Those are troubled waters.

US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.

CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.

CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!


CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

My understanding is: i.) the FBI crime statistics are based on statistics tabulated by each of the states and DC; ii.) some states do NOT tabulate crime statistics with regard to ethnicity (namely, Hispanic or non-Hispanic);  iii.) FBI crime statistics are divided into different races; iv.) FBI Table 43 includes five races as follows White, Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islande.

The FBI categories drive the definitions.  Further, I understand that these definitions have changed over time.  

Do you suppose white supremacists consult the FBI crime stats before deciding on their ideology?

RealityForAll said:

My understanding is: i.) the FBI crime statistics are based on statistics tabulated by each of the states and DC; ii.) some states do NOT tabulate crime statistics with regard to ethnicity (namely, Hispanic or non-Hispanic);  iii.) FBI crime statistics are divided into different races; iv.) FBI Table 43 includes five races as follows White, Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islande.

The FBI categories drive the definitions.  Further, I understand that these definitions have changed over time.  

Honestly, I was just commenting on your cringe worthy attempt to define "whiteness".

GoSlugs said:

RealityForAll said:

My understanding is: i.) the FBI crime statistics are based on statistics tabulated by each of the states and DC; ii.) some states do NOT tabulate crime statistics with regard to ethnicity (namely, Hispanic or non-Hispanic);  iii.) FBI crime statistics are divided into different races; iv.) FBI Table 43 includes five races as follows White, Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islande.

The FBI categories drive the definitions.  Further, I understand that these definitions have changed over time.  

Honestly, I was just commenting on your cringe worthy attempt to define "whiteness".

I did nothing of the sort.  I was just attempting to use the FBI categorization scheme.


RealityForAll said:

I did nothing of the sort.  I was just attempting to use the FBI categorization scheme. 

Sure you did buddy.

GoSlugs said:

RealityForAll said:

I did nothing of the sort.  I was just attempting to use the FBI categorization scheme. 

Sure you did buddy.

You have made false accusations and smears.  Just come clean.

RealityForAll said:

You have made false accusations and smears.  Just come clean.

LOL! I quoted your post.  It's right there for everyone to see and it speaks for itself.  

The only poster who has smeared you is you.

Why are right wing people always so whiney?

RealityForAll said:

My understanding is: i.) the FBI crime statistics are based on statistics tabulated by each of the states and DC;

At some point, the rhetorical habit of referring to “my understanding” stops working as a cover for being misinformed.

FBI crime statistics are reported by individual law enforcement agencies, not tabulated by the states. The agencies may report their stats through a state Uniform Crime Report program, but the tabulation policy choices are theirs, not the states’.

We can talk about a history of different politics, of authoritarian styles of gouvernement, even a difference in lobby groups. But there’s no getting around the high stats for private gun ownership in Serbia. 
Yet after ‘only’ two mass shootings in less than a week, they have firm action to protect their citizens:  In the wake of the shootings, President Aleksandar Vucic swiftly announced what he called a "general disarmament" of the country. He declared a month-long amnesty for illegally-held weapons, with a warning of harsh consequences for anyone who held on to guns without a permit.

More on the nuances of "Hispanic" and "Latino":

Are you Hispanic or Latino? A census mistake reveals a complicated answer. (WaPo, gifted link)

I was going to say something about Baltimore but then I saw that there had already been another in Philadelphia.

Well, I don’t really like the events. But I endorse your sentiments. 

And yet another one yesterday (Monday) in Fort Worth. Three dead, eight wounded.

One mass shooting is a tragedy, 350 (and counting) are a statistic.

22 dead in Maine in more than one location. details still kind of sketchy.

Death count is down to 15. Shooter still at large.

And again. Day 1 of the new School Year, and someone in Iowa has the urge and the means to make a violent, final statement:

I know you’ve seen and heard so much about this all day. Why are school students still able to access such deadly weaponry? Why is it that their anger and despair aren’t recognised to be so overwhelming until it’s too late?

We observe certain pagan rituals in America.  One of them is the blood sacrifice of innocents on the altar of the 2nd Amendment.

A well-written response, thank you. Even though we’re both crying at the senselessness  of these losses. 

joanne said:

A well-written response, thank you. Even though we’re both crying at the senselessness  of these losses. 

Actually, Joanne, I don't really understand what is going on.  When I was growing up, plenty of kids in my high school had access to guns, but we had no gun violence at school.  And it wasn't all that long ago in some rural places that high school kids would do a bit of deer hunting first thing in the morning and then go to school and leave their rifle in the principal's office.  Now, that would be unthinkable.  I don't really understand the increase in violence and sharp increase in incarceration that happened starting in the 80's.  I suppose it is somehow related to the culture wars we are having, but I can't say that I understand.

the problem, tjohn and joanne, is that we are a country infected with a brain disease that worships guns. the number of infected people, though the vast majority of them are law abiding, is about 75 million. with such a large base, you only need an almost infinitesimal fraction of them to go over the edge. armed with crazily dangerous weapons, this tiny handful of extreme people wreaks havoc on us.

it's all about the number of guns and gun owners we have. that's all it is.

it's unfortunately that simple.

apropos of that

of course, what I described earlier is exacerbated by execrable human beings like this

Was discussing the increase in road rage-type behaviour, and decrease in patience and civility community-wide with a couple of friends this week. I’m glad we have tighter rules on gun ownership. Things aren’t quite as good as they as should be (domestic/family violence has increased, and the road toll has risen steeply) but at least the recent natural disasters has forced communities to come together and problem-solve for basic necessities. 
Some humour and patience are returning. 
Do you do R U OK? there?  (Simple mental health awareness for neighbourhoods) Or the Blue Trees project?

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