Things it took me too long to learn. Please add to the list.

Play catch with your child for as many years as they'll allow. There are few things that are as much fun as that.

Oh what's that phrase... Don't worry about the things you can't control, and for the things you can control - control them.

Yes, that.

Smile and say hello to strangers. You'll be shocked how many people will smile and say hello back. This probably doesn't go for women, that is, if you are the woman.

No matter how many years I play, I will always suck at golf.

Anchovies are kind of a big thing in Italian cooking.

Exercise in the morning or you'll never do it.

Listen to as much live dixieland jazz as you can.

Live close to a French patisserie, but ... not that close. (see exercising)

Time steaks to the second.

Don't just walk on the Great Wall. Camp out on it.

Join Rotary!

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded ~ NOT Ralph Waldo Emerson, but Bessie Anderson Stanley, 1911, paraphrased by Dear Abby in 1990 ~ STILL one of my favorite quotes...

jeffl said:

Smile and say hello to strangers. You'll be shocked how many people will smile and say hello back. This probably doesn't go for women, that is, if you are the woman.

I do, especially when they look at me. The problem is when they don't say hi back. Then I'm like, "Fine, don't say hi. See what I care." I really have to stop doing that... :-D

Preventive maintenance corrects little problems before they get out of hand. This works with personal relationships as well as inanimate objects.

Read and understand the repair manual before the machine breaks down.

It is virtually impossible to change anyone's opinion on MOL or on earth.

relax and drive 25.

Life is not linear : you will have setbacks.

stateguy said:

Life is not linear : you will have setbacks.

The hardest thing for me to accept is that our children will have set backs and they will be heartbroken and hurt. All we can do is pray for them and be there for them when they need us.

Don't read the comments.

I am more resilient than I knew. Everything is going to be OK.

Never agree to do a project voluntarily because you were flattered by the clever folks who needed something done for free.

Instant read thermometers for the kitchen are an expressive yet necessary item if you cook often. They will prevent you from ruining good food.

A friend of mine told me these two gems years ago:

If someone offers you a breath mint - accept it.
Never fart in an elevator.

Never marry for money, -always get it up-front.

(ok, that's not really "good" advice. I just always thought it was a funny line)

If you break up with someone, look closely at the reasons why and remember them. The next time you get involved with someone, examine them minutely to make sure they don't possess all the same qualities you left the OTHER person for.

Don't wait to entertain until my house is perfect. It will never be perfect. The kind of people I want as friends can look past a little clutter or the need for a new paint job in order to enjoy friendship and hospitality.

If at first you don't succeed, try again. If you still don't succeed, call in an expert.

There are little plastic gizmos that fix bowed drawer bottoms. They will give them to you for free at Ikea customer service.

Your level of happiness is inversely proportional to the size of your house.

You can always bring less stuff on a vacation - and buy it there if needed.

Laugh at yourself. Often.

ETA this:

sarahzm said:

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

And this: Redbone wasn't singing, "Strummin' guitar love."

carolanne said:

Don't wait to entertain until my house is perfect. It will never be perfect. The kind of people I want as friends can look past a little clutter or the need for a new paint job in order to enjoy friendship and hospitality.

This. Always this. Be with the people you care about, as much as you can.

And add Coconut oil to your coffee.

jeffl said:

It's very convenient to have a small trash receptacle hanging over the back of the passenger front seat in your car.

Steve Martin: Always keep a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up too much room, and if it gets full, you can just ... toss it out the window.

boomie said:

And add Coconut oil to your coffee.

Is this a flavor or instead of milk?

It's hard to stay friends with both people who are divorcing each other.

Everything changes. Everything. So really savor and be content with the good because things won't always be this good and know that when times are really tough, the bad can't stick around forever.

@TigerLilly my mom told me that as a teen. Best wisdom ever.

Make sure you check your first cable and cell phone bills - they are always trying to screw you.

Adjust the oven rack to needed position BEFORE you preheat the oven.

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