Threads you'll never open

Any title with the word "pal" in it.

Posted By: mjhRecently, I've started avoiding Specifically South Orange. There is something really pathological going on in some of those threads. (Someone let me know when the crazies go away).

Um, that would be never. There is always some serious bomb throwing in SO, some of it pretty funny.

Posted By: meandtheboys"Cat, killed by car, lying on Jefferson Ave."

That can be nothing but SAD!

Same here. Pains me every time I see the title. Although I generally avoid all of the cat threads. Dog person here.

I've been ignoring "cat stopped eating--pancreatitits?", but the fact that it's up to 248 posts makes me wonder if it's drifted to a more interesting subject.

Let us know, if you decide to wade in!

I wouldn't open the fact thread. It seems misleading.

Sheesh. And I just posted.

Chimp Maul Victim Shows Face on Oprah

Posted By: kthnryI've been ignoring "cat stopped eating--pancreatitits?", but the fact that it's up to 248 posts makes me wonder if it's drifted to a more interesting subject.

Posted By: meandtheboysLet us know, if you decide to wade in!

Nope, no luck. Five pages of cat-related medical procedures.

This is why you're fat

I already know.

New warning for Women wanting perfect genitalia

Posted By: campbell29here is always some serious bomb throwing in SO

It's a step up from salad throwing.

Posted By: buzzsawNew warning for Women wanting perfect genitalia

I agree ...

Posted By: essIt's a step up from salad throwing.

or banana throwing

GOP 2010: Onward Christian Soldiers

A&P Meats Once Again Suspect

Support Lou Dobbs for Senate

Posted By: marylagoA&P Meats Once Again Suspect


I don't open any cat or happy birthday threads.

I especially don't open the threads wishing a happy birthday to one's cat.

Soapbox: all politics .....rarely open a thread in that category

Posted By: rodI don't open any cat or happy birthday threads.

I especially don't open the threads wishing a happy birthday to one's cat.

LMAO Rod...I agree!

Posted By: rodI especially don't open the threads wishing a happy birthday to one's cat.

Really?? I haven't seen a thread wishing a kitty a happy birthday ... maybe I missed it ....

Ps I love kitty threads... plus its always good to save an animal .. they need it =)

I've always avoided the cat threads in the past. I have to admit, though, the one about the "slutty kitty" has me extremely curious. I'm fairly certain I will regret it once I open it though.

Jasper you go in first and let us know if there is anything we need to see. ...Like you, i avoid anything with cat or kitty in the title unless it's something urgent.

Posted By: jasper1664I've always avoided the cat threads in the past. I have to admit, though, the one about the "slutty kitty" has me extremely curious. I'm fairly certain I will regret it once I open it though.

Just a Slutty Kitty we have in out blog ... you are more than welcome to check it out !! its a fun thread =) ...

I really don't understand what is the big fuzz about the anti - Kitty threads... most threads is about to save cats !! I can understand if you don't want to open mind (Kitty Blog) because all we do is to talk about cats and have fun.

Its funny .. a lot of people mention they avoid the kitty thread .. but they know whats going on them !! ... they just don't want to admit they open them .. its ok !! we wont tell

okkkkkkkkK! my lips are sealed... shhhhh.

there are almost as many Trader Joe's threads as there are Kitty threads at this point...
but I'm not complaining... since I posted on every one of them! :shamed:

If you are smart, unlike me, you won't open, "Global Warming? Or Outright Lies?"

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