Twitter is a Private Company

Speaking of Elon Musk, you might be curious to see what’s happening in the real world of brain chip development (the Neuralink project): Apparently Synchron is miles advanced of Neuralink, not even requiring open surgery for implantation; and there are people comfortably using the implants to lead better lives now. 

My family doctor has a tech in-house who works with neuro-diverse people and people with brain injuries to help stimulate neuron movement with quick bursts of electric impulses. Not quite the old, scary ECT. Apparently there’s a very good success rate.No implants required.

There's a possibility that protecting the environment isn't at the top of Mr. Musk's agenda. 

nohero said:

There's a possibility that protecting the environment isn't at the top of Mr. Musk's agenda. 

in the tweet that he's responding to, I learned that there is no law against "illegal migrants" committing crimes.

this is the mindset he thinks should be amplified.

Ackman and Musk

perfect together

Well, here's a bit of a quandary for the "leftist" Elon lovers - 

nohero said:

Well, here's a bit of a quandary for the "leftist" Elon lovers - 

if Elon's right, then the far left really needs to publicize their intent a bit better, otherwise they'll get nowhere.

A California judge has ruled in favor of Black Tesla workers, allowing them to proceed with lawsuits against the company for racism in its factories. The ruling follows claims from employees alleging that Tesla failed to protect them from racism in the workplace.  not surprised.

Fewer people are using Elon Musk’s X as the platform struggles to attract and keep users, according to analysts (NBC News)

The number of people using X daily is falling, more than a year after tech billionaire Elon Musk bought the app formerly known as Twitter.

Data from two research firms and figures published by Musk and X suggest a deteriorating situation for X by some metrics. Musk has marketed it as the world’s “town square,” but in number of users it continues to lag far behind social media rivals that focus on video, such as Instagram and TikTok.

In February, X had 27 million daily active users of its mobile app in the U.S., down 18% from a year earlier, according to Sensor Tower, a market intelligence firm based in San Francisco. The U.S. user base has been flat or down every month since November 2022, the first full month of Musk’s owning the app, and in total it’s down 23% since then, Sensor Tower said.

Still a nasty streak of white supremacy being promoted by the Chief Twit.

nohero said:

Still a nasty streak of white supremacy being promoted by the Chief Twit.

That twitter thread needs a trigger warning. What a cesspool.

Can we give up the whole "If you criticize Musk you're against fighting climate change" argument? 

I've tried to keep my postings on this thread about Twitter and not stray into other Musk companies, but this is too weird:

Like, I'm starting to think something is seriously wrong with Musk. His actions at Twitter have made very little business sense, as I've frequently noted, but Tesla was successfully making real products people wanted to buy. I can't imagine it could have been as successful as it has been if Musk had been acting like this in the past. Maybe his actions at Twitter haven't been anomaly, but a sign of a general deterioration in his decision making?

there clearly is something seriously wrong with Tesla.

Remind anyone of someone?

PVW said:

I've tried to keep my postings on this thread about Twitter and not stray into other Musk companies, but this is too weird:

Like, I'm starting to think something is seriously wrong with Musk. His actions at Twitter have made very little business sense, as I've frequently noted, but Tesla was successfully making real products people wanted to buy. I can't imagine it could have been as successful as it has been if Musk had been acting like this in the past. Maybe his actions at Twitter haven't been anomaly, but a sign of a general deterioration in his decision making?

I hadn't heard about this before, but it seems kind of nutso. Why would you fire the entire team responsible for maybe the most critical technology regarding EV success? Not just for Tesla but for all EV's.

When you make a move that baffles all of the outside observers, it doesn't leave the guy making the move with much credibility.

Then again, maybe Elon is playing eleventy-dimensional chess against us mere mortals,

dave said:

Remind anyone of someone?

It reminds me to be a wedge-maker.

PVW said:

I've tried to keep my postings on this thread about Twitter and not stray into other Musk companies, but this is too weird:

Like, I'm starting to think something is seriously wrong with Musk. His actions at Twitter have made very little business sense, as I've frequently noted, but Tesla was successfully making real products people wanted to buy. I can't imagine it could have been as successful as it has been if Musk had been acting like this in the past. Maybe his actions at Twitter haven't been anomaly, but a sign of a general deterioration in his decision making?

This is literally how Musk went in and hacked away at the workforce at the Twitter. People were fired, without regard to whether what they were doing for the company was going to be covered by someone else. There were internal systems and customer contacts for which nobody else was prepared to take over.

For anyone for whom this is relevant - 

nohero said:

For anyone for whom this is relevant - 

Thanks. I hadn't seen that particular xeet for obvious reasons.

Saw this one on Bluesky today.

Yeah, not so exciting. The e-Safety Commissioner’s children were doxxed and threatened, as was she. Pretty outrageous behaviour if you ask me. 

terp said:

Musk's X wins free speech victory in Australia


Mr Terp, please note that our e-Safety Commissioner dropped the case. Technically, not a win just a cessation of negotiations/hostilities. Also, the role is about much, much more than ‘censorship’: we take privacy very seriously, stalking, cyber security etc.

As a result of the X ‘revelations’ an innocent young man was labelled a killer by a media outlet, and that spread nationally & internationally within an hour. Do you know the work he has to do to clear his name? Let alone get a job when his studies end in December??

Further, some people learnt family members were injured or killed before formal notification. That’s not how we do things here; we limit gossip, tale-spreading, sticky raking and idle speculation. We use media blackouts for good reason, and to good effect. 

joanne said:

Mr Terp, please note that our e-Safety Commissioner dropped the case. Technically, not a win just a cessation of negotiations/hostilities. Also, the role is about much, much more than ‘censorship’: we take privacy very seriously, stalking, cyber security etc.

As a result of the X ‘revelations’ an innocent young man was labelled a killer by a media outlet, and that spread nationally & internationally within an hour. Do you know the work he has to do to clear his name? Let alone get a job when his studies end in December??

Further, some people learnt family members were injured or killed before formal notification. That’s not how we do things here; we limit gossip, tale-spreading, sticky raking and idle speculation. We use media blackouts for good reason, and to good effect. 

Mr. Terp didn't even provide a link which explained the background of what he called a "free speech victory", so details about how other people suffered as a direct result probably aren't that important to him.

He’s probably also quite unaware that here we try to limit the detailed reporting, including naming perpetrators, so as to deprive ‘glory’ seekers. It’s a different approach to crime reporting, and honoured as a professional convention here since the Port Arthur Massacre and the Bali Bombings.

(tidied grammar)

joanne said:


Thank you for posting the article.  Just so we're clear: you are arguing against free speech and for government censorship.  Is that right?

I found this link in your article. Here's an interesting quote:

In an exclusive interview with ABC Afternoon Briefing, Ms Inman-Grant argued the way the social media companies are structured meant content must be removed "globally", and Australia should have the right to issue those take downs.

Essentially, what you are arguing for is that any nation can censor and those censorship decrees would be applied globally.  That will lead to the lowest common denominator as it pertains to free speech.  On a global level.  That is a radically authoritarian position IMO.  

Free speech can become an ailment… like diarrhea…

terp said:

joanne said:


Thank you for posting the article.  Just so we're clear: you are arguing against free speech and for government censorship.  Is that right?

I found this link in your article. Here's an interesting quote:

In an exclusive interview with ABC Afternoon Briefing, Ms Inman-Grant argued the way the social media companies are structured meant content must be removed "globally", and Australia should have the right to issue those take downs.

Essentially, what you are arguing for is that any nation can censor and those censorship decrees would be applied globally.  That will lead to the lowest common denominator as it pertains to free speech.  On a global level.  That is a radically authoritarian position IMO.  

What Ms. Joanne "essentially" meant is what she wrote. 

Instead of being rude, if you want to address the point about what is and isn't responsible actions on the part of a public forum, that would be more pertinent to the topic.

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